Friday, August 28, 2009

that's the way i like it

Wow, the past two days have been crazy but really good. Tomorrow there's nothing on the schedule tomorrow until 7, Danielle doesn't come back until after 11, so I get to sleep in! Legit sleep in, no alarm or anything, for the first time in what seems like forever.  I'm really looking forward to it. I have two goals for the weekend: get somewhere to buy milk, and do laundry.
Anyways... yesterday was urban plunge. It was kind of sucky. We were battling against blackberries, holly trees and tons of Ivy on swampy property of rich people. But it was a good bonding experience and I got to know people in my advising class and our student leader a lot better. Then was perspectives, a dinner lecture about homelessness. My table group was really nice and the lecture was actually really interesting. I was on the phone with mom/grandma and missed out on the hypnotist, but I was tired and it was my first time alone in forever, so I took my pants off, hung out in the dorm room, read MLIA and went to bed early. I feel like it was a great choice.
Today I tried to get in to my mailbox and failed. Then I went to practice before my audition. I played the song really well and then not so well in my audition. But he didn't have us sight read and I did nail the chromatic scale. He asked if I'd played contrabass and if I'd be willing to, I said I'd love to, that I'd always wanted to and never been able to. Hopefully that will get me into wind ensemble, but honestly... I don't really care what I'm placed in. After that I had my meeting with my advisor. She's really nice but gave me the "are you the laziest person evvvver" look when she found out I took AP stats and three years of french but was signing up for basics in both. Whatever, ease myself in.
Then I met with my supervisor, my job actually sounds excellent and easy enough. It pays pretty well too and she's really nice. She loves Corvallis, wants to work at the MU at OSU and has an addiction to New Morning Bakery. Needless to say, I love her.
Then I took a nap before registering and did all that stuff. I don't know my schedule w/o looking at it, but I have music theory every day, lessons on thursdays, french 101 almost every day, stats 160 almost every day, music biopics m/w/f. My latest class (only once a week) goes to 4:20, my earliest class ever is noon. EXCELLENT. I'll have band at nights and will need to do my performance attendence as part of the music major. There were no cool english classes left when I registered but I'm getting my cores out of the way.
After registering a bunch of us from my advising class went with our student leader to Hello Cupcake in downtown Tacoma. We rode the bus and I met a guy from upstairs who was really nice and talkative, too bad I can't remember his name. The cupcakes there were AMAZING, pretty much a life changing experience and I felt like I really connected with some of the girls in my class. I had pizza with some of the girls from my passages group and am now watching the wedding singer in the lounge with a small group of people.
Overall, things are going well. There are still ups and downs but I think that's too be expected. I miss you and love you and will try and add some pictures of the BEAUTIFUL campus for you soon.
PS- my windows are open some, and it's raining, and it smells like Oregon and I'm so glad I'm here.

1 comment:

  1. is your boss me?


    enjoy your roomate-free time.... wish i could have some-o-that
