Sunday, August 30, 2009

beside the silver sea

I love it here more than I can possibly explain to you.
I've never felt like I belong somewhere more than I feel like I belong here.
It's just so right.
I love walking out the doors of the dorm every morning and seeing what I see.
I love getting to know people better.
I love figuring out what day to day life will be like.
I love it here.
I love fitting in.
I love being a part of this place.
I belong and I love belonging.
I'm so glad this is my new home.
I feel almost selfish having this place and not sharing it with you.
I haven't made close friendships yet, I don't have a core group. But I think that's best. I don't think that's something to rush into. I think that takes time and should be a gradual process. I have friends, I have people to eat with or talk to or hang out with, and that's good enough for me.
Because I so belong here, I'm confident the rest will come.
And I'm thrilled.