Tuesday, September 1, 2009

it's sad and it's sweet

Well, one day of classes done... a heck of a lot to go...
Work was okay, I pretty much just stood there and listened to Terry answer phone calls. It's kind of intimidating to work in the information center as a freshman who doesn't know anything, and I really hope that the schedule stays where I'm never there alone. I thought I worked 10-11, but really worked 11-12, so I woke up earlier than I needed to and didn't have any break for lunch. Today is my only day off for the week.
Today is also by far the best day of the week.
Yesterday was crazy. Theory 101 (aural skills) terrified me. I'm legitimately worried I'll fail it, lose my scholarship and have to drop out. But Audrey says they don't let that happen. Hope not. Music Biopics seems like it will be a lot more work than I expected, with lots of large papers and research. And, as cool as it is that we watch movies, we watch them outside of class when I'd like to be socializing, practicing, doing homework or sleeping. My french class seems like it will be my favorite. I LOVE the professor, she's like a young, friendlier, funnier, easier Langlois. I LOVE her. And, I understood everything she was saying. My stats professor is santa clause and I'm excited for that class because I think I'll understand the second time around. By the end of the day I was beat and cranky. I had a bagel at 10:30 and then was in class (or work) constant until 4. I woke up earlier than I had planned also. And was feeling really worried about music. Not to mention things aren't going smooth with the roommate. But I don't want to talk about that on here, other than that I'm really excited to have the dorm to myself again this weekend.
I'm going to go eat (and get some coffee), buy some staff paper at the bookstore, and then head to where I'll pretty much be living the next four years- the practice rooms. To work on theory, because I don't play piano and I don't sight sing. Shit on a stick. Then I have written theory (which I like the prof- she's my advisor, and it HAS to be better than aural), french and stats. I have a break from 3:00-3:30, and then am done for the day at 4:20. There's a men's soccer game at 5 that I think I'd like to go to if other people I know are, but depending on homework and energy level I may skip out on it.
Tomorrow is another hell day like yesterday, thursday is okay, same as today but with work, Friday is hellish also. And, it doesn't do any good to not have class until noon or later when your roommate wakes you up at 8.
Fun, fun, times.
Okay, that's enough wallowing for now.
I think you should call me. I like having phone conversations with people.


  1. i've been wanting to call :(
    but alas i was up into the wee hours of the morning trying to stay caught up with class.

    maybe i'll call tonight. i wanna hear your roomate situation

    i think music will become less intimmidating with time

  2. I wish it wasn't so expensive to call from Canada. :( Things will hopefully get better as you get more used to everything.
